lisa boggs and squirrels

The Old Town Alexandria Squirrel

This photo is too ah-mazing not to post now.  I know, I know, it's the weekend, but I don't care.  I have lots to post on this week and I just could not hold out on keeping this photo from you any longer!  This is a squirrel I photographed in Old Town Alexandria.  I spotted it when it was climbing up the tree to eat (what resembled to be) a cookie.  It stopped and perched on a branch for a bit to eat, so I took out my camera.  It didn't like me pointing my giant zoom lens at it, so it decided to jump up to a higher part of the tree.  Guess which part I photographed?  ;) undefined Thanks for looking!



The Family of Squirrels that Lives in My Tree

Good afternoon, readers!  Today I'm bringing to you some more photos of the adorable squirrels that live on our property.  Up until recently, I knew that most of the squirrels that came to feast on the bird food were from some pine trees that line the side of our property.  However, a most recent discovery indicates that the squirrels that feast on the front yard feeder actually live a large maple tree in the front yard.  You may be thinking, 'How does she know that? Surely she has no proof of this!'  Well readers, you are wrong! My discovery of the tree-dwellers happened when I went to get the mail one day.  I noticed a squirrel at the feeder, then as I approached it, it ran up the tree lightning fast...into a HOLE!  Ever since, I have been stalking what I have now deemed "the squirrel hole," and have been documenting its inhabitants ever since!  The best series I have thus far is below, and includes a squirrel peeping out of the hole, and then a second squirrel who forces his way past first squirrel down the chute.  So adorbs!  Definitely take a looksie for a warm fuzzy.  And so far I have not named the squirrels yet, so let me know if you have any suggestions!  Enjoy!

Click to view larger:

Look at their adorable little faces!

Look at this little guy posing!  Bah!

Thanks for looking!



Lisa Boggs Loves Squirrels!

Back in August of 2010, I did a little post that received a lot of attention entitled "Lisa Boggs and the Ninja Squirrels."  As a result of the posts popularity (and of course, eh hem, my popularity?  Not!) I have decided I must make it a point to blog more on squirrels.  And just other animals in general.  Why?  Because dear friends, when I am not behind my lovely computer, and when I am not out photographing weddings and portraits, I am peering out of the windows of my home.  Looking at squirrels.  And birds too...bird watching/identifying is a new hobby of mine as well (of which you will see photos of later).  So you see, I am not just a crazy wedding and portrait photographer that is too busy for cute things like squirrels and birds!  I stop, I watch them...I photograph them.  And to be perfectly honest, those little buggers totally see me and look at me.  It's crazy!  So, here are a few photos I took over the past few days of the squirrelios.  More to come along the way...of which I hope at the very least make you giggle. Also, I have to plug my adorable dog Penny, who will probably make it on the blog again as well.  I just can't help myself.  :)

P.S.  Is it wrong that in my head I'm singing "Squirrels!" to the Beastie Boys tune of "Girls?"  Too far?

Thanks for looking!


Lisa Boggs and the Ninja Squirrels

Ninja squirrels. If you haven't seen them yourself, you more than likely have heard of them. They are not ordinary squirrels, mind you. They are the types of squirrels that do anything for food. Anything. They plague the yards of millions of people every year. If I had to throw out a statistic based on zero facts, I'd say ninja squirrels occupy the yards of 72% of North American households. That, my friends, is a lot of ninja squirrels. Today my ninja squirrels were up to their old tricks again on our bird feeder. I thought the semi-invisible wire that holds our feeder would keep those silly squirrels guessing for years. But no. They're ninja squirrels, so they figured out in a few months that the semi-invisible wire was actually something they could climb down. Adjacent to the feeder is a bird bath that is empty most of the time unless I put water or food in it. Anywho, I'm just going to narrate what happened in the photos I took because it's really hilarious. It involves ninja squirrel no. 1, and ninja squirrel no. 2. Here goes (narration under each photo):

"Look at meeeeeeeeeeee! I'm ninja squirrel no. 1! I'm dangling from from yo bird feeder! See my epic ninja moves? I cling to yo feeder with my crazy claws and then drop this seed down fo myself and the other ninja squirrels to eat! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah! Take THAT!"

"Sometimes I don't care about the other ninja squirrels, and I just cling to yo feeder and eat the bird seed all by myself. I got game! Look at my back legs! Don't think I couldn't karate chop yo face! I could! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah! Hey...wait...what's that noise...wha...WHA?........."

"NINJA SQUIRREL NO. 2! What are you DOING?!!! This is MY turf, boyyyyyyyyy! You don't know how to jump into that bird bath! WHAT THE CUSS?!!! YOU'RE RUINING THE MISSIOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!"



Disclaimer: No ninja squirrels were injured for the creation of this photographic sequence. All ninja squirrels are alive and well, and hopefully will be back for future blog posts.

P.S. I am now excepting new names for Ninja Squirrel No. 1 and Ninja Squirrel No. 2. Please feel free to leave suggestions in the comments!